Virtual women

This Blog is intended to showcase 'Virtual Women'. 'Virtual Women' are female characters created by modern day computer graphics. They do not exist in real life and are merely a product of a programmer's imagination! Feel free to add links or information about Virtual Women and enjoy browsing the recommended sites.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

XBOX 360 - Virtual Women Wrestlers! - Phew!

I was most intrigued
to hear of a new
XBOX 360
game called

"Rumble Roses XX".

I was informed by my adolescent son that it was worth a look. It features beautiful women dressed in skimpy outfits, wrestling with each other!

I thought I had better carry out some research for this blog and so I 'googled' it.

I was most impressed when I first saw some screenshots of the game. It features some of the most beautiful 'Virtual Women' that I have ever seen in any video game!

The female wrestlers are all extremely good looking and have well endowed bodies. It's as if the game developers have managed to get all the best bits of all the women in the world and have then combined them to create perfect fantasy women.

You can pick your character and dress them up in your choice of clothing.

It gets better!..........

You can also customise your character by adjusting here muscle mass, hip, waist and , get a load of this!, her bust size!!

Now tell me honestly - who isn't going to try out 100% breast size?!!

This will definately be on my Christmas wish-list!
I reckon these girls are going to obtain celebrity status by early next year and will probably rival 'Britney Spears' and 'Paris Hilton' for ass kickin' search string stats!

Here are some links to some screenshots and a video clip: <- Video Clip


Don't forget to use your back arrow to come back here!

<~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~ <~

Friday, November 10, 2006

That's not a woman... that's a man, baby!

Whilst researching the internet for articles for this blog I found the following which I thought warranted inclusion.

It's an article from Incite Video Gaming magazine some years ago, and is about one of the female character 'grid-girls' from the NaMCO game 'Ridge Racer'

Here is the article:

Meet Reiko Nagase. She's all that and a bag of sillicon chips in the world of virtual vixens. She's got that ruffled Japanese schoolgirl look one minute, only bettered when she wiggles into a Namco bodysuit that leaves nothing to the imagination, the next. Or so we thought. Then we uncovered the truth. Now, you may want to sit down for this one. Reiko Nagase is part man. It seems that the Japanese developer who"birthed" Reiko couldn't locate a woman's face for "her", so he had a quick shave, conducted a spot of eyebrow plucking, and scanned his own head in. Not since The Crying Game have we felt so strangely compelled to give our respective mothers a call.

Who cares if she is part bloke? - She's still damn good lookin'!


Another Picture of Reiko -


Ridge Racer -

The Crying Game -


Virtual Models

Last week a friend of mine brought my attention to yet another fantastic 'Virtual Woman' site.

This one is called 'Somadoll' and is choc full of goodies for all you Virtual Woman addicts out there!

Here is a picture of one of the many models that you can admire on the site. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Try the link below and you will find your way to some of the most beautiful CGI females that I have seen.

Not only are they beautiful but their physical characteristics have been enhanced so they represent a man's ideal woman.

There is four sections for you to browse including: 'The Casting Couch', 'Strip-o-matic', 'Screen Test' and my favourite the 'Superfold' section.

In the 'Super Fold' section you will find numerous model shoot type images of all of the popular virtual models. Many of the shots are taken in exotic locations featuring exciting backdrops. -

Be warned, once you have seen these models, women in the real world will seem quite drab by comparison.

Enjoy!! - ;)
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